Thursday, July 12, 2018


Why do we show so much love to our country? Some may answer, maybe because we could still allow trends even if we are in the third world country or maybe because here stay the most hospitable people. Well for me, I show so much love for my country because it is mine.

     Independence Day is the day when the whole nation opens a certain chapter of the history book. It is the day we remember those people who bled and died for our country's autonomy. It is the day we pray for their souls and thank them for their bravery. It is yet the same day of another year to make us remember that a lot of breath was cut to let this homeland breathe. Still, with all these years of celebrating, people never realized its worth.
Image result for kkk philippines
The reason we celebrate this particular holiday is to tell everyone that this country's freedom is because of the people who cared so much for this country that they were the ones who stood in front of the line to fight. That in that fight they did well and that they made us proud; that we are so grateful that at least once in this lifetime such men lived.  

    We don't celebrate a holiday to get some rest and go on a vacation, we celebrate to reflect on the feelings that they felt before, the amount of blood they shed and the way it smelled while being mixed on the dirt that's on their bodies. That is the reason. The once in a year day to go back to the past wasn't for us to feel free from our jails; it is to remember those people who fought for this country. Soon, I hope people would do realize that on this day, we must pay respect.



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