Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Last Blog, Last Quarter!

               School year's almost done! This grading  there were lots of classes interruption but even though there's lots of it we still managed to finish our last lessons. I must say that this is one of the most easiest grading this whole s.y except for the part that I had breakdowns because of some matters which aren't school related. For this grading, I learned lots of things like lessening the use of mobile phones and interacting more with my MaxConi and throughout the school year I learned how to deal with breakdowns and  is that even though you experience many breakdowns you should still know how to get up for you'll be the only one to help yourself. And that you should be easy on yourself, don't push yourself too much if you can't do things anymore because it will just tire you more.
                The problems I had encountered is, being a sleepyhead. Ever since 2019 has started I started being a sleepyhead that I can even sleep while walking. I also had problems going to school on time because of my sleeping habits. I also had problems dealing with analyzing some of our lessons and time management as well.
                To overcome those problems, first I had to change my sleeping pattern. And second is that i seek help from my friends to fully understand some of the concepts that I don't understand and that is what I'm thankful of having them. When I had difficulty in analyzing our lessons they patiently answered all of my questions. They were also there to lend me their notes.
                Moving on, I promise to be a better version of myself. Someone who can manage her time well and someone who can be more better in analyzing their lessons. I will always remind myself that I have lots of dreams that keep me going and that I must do study well. And that as the days gone by, I would enjoy it to the fullest for I don't know what awaits me the next day.

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Last Blog, Last Quarter!

               School year's almost done! This grading  there were lots of classes interruption but even though there's lots of it w...