Wednesday, July 25, 2018


     We all know that farming was never an easy task. From all the early waking ups and being under the sun for hours. We always take the farmers' effort for granted not knowing that we could lessen their burden by planting even just in our backyard.

Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food. While proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and to live a long life. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are some common items people think of when they think of healthy foods. But have we ever thought of the people behind these foods that we eat? Have we ever thought of their feelings whenever they get barely enough of harvest? No, right? Instead of considering their feelings we blame them for not giving us enough supply even though that in reality we waste food if there are lots of it. Farming is already a tough work but we, consumers, make it tougher for the farmers. Instead of depending on the farmers' harvests, can't we just start planting in our own backyards? Why can't we just start home gardening? It will be definitely beneficial for us in a way that we can save money and we will have the control on what chemicals are to be sprayed or not. Also it will lessen the worries of the farmers when shortage comes.

The Nutrition Month Celebration 2018's Theme: Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin aims to improve the healthy food consumption of Filipinos, food security or to be self sufficient as possible with backyard gardening. Proper nutrition is what we need but it shouldn't be expensive. Achieving it may start within our home through home gardening. Yes, you can afford buying food produced by others but we can't afford paying for their efforts and sacrifices that are wasted when we start wasting foods.



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