Monday, October 22, 2018


               Standing in front of 50 people, speaking out loud inside these four walls, and having a lot of patience; and doing it for eight hours a day wasn’t easy. But they made it look like it doesn’t matter at all. Teachers, they were the true hero.
               When I was asked if it ever crossed my mind to be a teacher, I said no. To be on that job is very hard. I have to be on my heels for eight hours a day, I have to speak in a loud voice for every students to listen even though I would end up having a hoarse voice, I have to write at the board though I get so dusty and all. That job wasn’t for me.
               Teacher’s work doesn’t stop there. They have shown a lot values of heroism, just that not everybody can see it. First either single or committed or married, after leaving their homes each of them has to take care about 50 students per room to think that most of them have six or seven loads. So 50 times 6= 300. 300 students a day. 300 students with different attitudes towards education. If a parent could say “I hope I hadn’t had 3 child” then why can’t these teachers be?
               Second, these teachers doesn’t only teach, they go beyond. These teachers becomes a nurse most of the time. Like when a students has a fever, they’ll be the first one to check them. They’ll be the one to call the official or if not they’ll be the one who takes care of them Also, these teachers are like part of DOH why? Because they were also the one tasked to check on every child’s impairment or child’s deworming.
               Lastly this teachers doesn’t only teach what’s on the books. They also teach the real values of real life. I was just amazed how the temporary world of education becomes a permanent and meaningful scar on every student’s mind. They have changed what we know about things we see and have changed how we see things we thought we knew.
               So to all the teachers out there, I SALUTE YOU ALL!

Jade Palas

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