Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

          Imagine the world where people are equal. Social, academic and political classes are vanished. Won't it be a better society for us to live in?

          We were taught that even before our names were written in our birth certificates, equal rights has been given to us. Whether we were born with silver spoon in our mouth or not, employed or unemployed, man or women, detainee or not our rights should be acknowledged. Men are not way superior than women. Children are no less than the adults. Detainees, ex-convicts are no less than humans so they still must be respected in any ways. Every person should be treated fairly and given the same opportunities. We are all created in the image and likeness of God and our personal differences should not serve as hindrance in showing respect.

          "Choose to be brave fight for their rights. Give them back their honor and their pride"- We Are All God's Children.


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