Wednesday, July 25, 2018


     We all know that farming was never an easy task. From all the early waking ups and being under the sun for hours. We always take the farmers' effort for granted not knowing that we could lessen their burden by planting even just in our backyard.

Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food. While proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and to live a long life. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are some common items people think of when they think of healthy foods. But have we ever thought of the people behind these foods that we eat? Have we ever thought of their feelings whenever they get barely enough of harvest? No, right? Instead of considering their feelings we blame them for not giving us enough supply even though that in reality we waste food if there are lots of it. Farming is already a tough work but we, consumers, make it tougher for the farmers. Instead of depending on the farmers' harvests, can't we just start planting in our own backyards? Why can't we just start home gardening? It will be definitely beneficial for us in a way that we can save money and we will have the control on what chemicals are to be sprayed or not. Also it will lessen the worries of the farmers when shortage comes.

The Nutrition Month Celebration 2018's Theme: Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin aims to improve the healthy food consumption of Filipinos, food security or to be self sufficient as possible with backyard gardening. Proper nutrition is what we need but it shouldn't be expensive. Achieving it may start within our home through home gardening. Yes, you can afford buying food produced by others but we can't afford paying for their efforts and sacrifices that are wasted when we start wasting foods.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018


July 24, 2018

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

MalacaƱang Palace, JP Laurel Street,
San Miguel, Manila, Metro Manila

Dear Mr. President,

Greetings of peace and joy! Mr. President, I'm sending this letter to discuss my point of view on your "God related statement".

The nation was fired up on you, calling God "stupid". Mr. President, knowing that Filipinos are very religious, you said ill about God. This did not only affect catholic but also other religions. My point is that, as a president, you shouldn't have said that because there is what we call ethics. At that time, you weren't able to portray a well respected and respectful president. We know that you do not believe in religions but at least you shouldn't have included dissing God in your speech. Or if you must do, you shouldn't have made that harsh statement. Also, when catholic churches have spoken their minds out, you shouldn't have fought back and added more undignified words that caused and caught more attention. You represent the whole nation, how would we look like to other nations if you are being like that? Please set this issue now Mr. President for the sake of this nation.

If you were to read this, please take my points into consideration. It will not only benefit you but all Filipinos. Thank you and good day!

Faithfully yours,

Janice Mae Palas
Grade 10 Student
Ilocos Sur National High School

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Why do we show so much love to our country? Some may answer, maybe because we could still allow trends even if we are in the third world country or maybe because here stay the most hospitable people. Well for me, I show so much love for my country because it is mine.

     Independence Day is the day when the whole nation opens a certain chapter of the history book. It is the day we remember those people who bled and died for our country's autonomy. It is the day we pray for their souls and thank them for their bravery. It is yet the same day of another year to make us remember that a lot of breath was cut to let this homeland breathe. Still, with all these years of celebrating, people never realized its worth.
Image result for kkk philippines
The reason we celebrate this particular holiday is to tell everyone that this country's freedom is because of the people who cared so much for this country that they were the ones who stood in front of the line to fight. That in that fight they did well and that they made us proud; that we are so grateful that at least once in this lifetime such men lived.  

    We don't celebrate a holiday to get some rest and go on a vacation, we celebrate to reflect on the feelings that they felt before, the amount of blood they shed and the way it smelled while being mixed on the dirt that's on their bodies. That is the reason. The once in a year day to go back to the past wasn't for us to feel free from our jails; it is to remember those people who fought for this country. Soon, I hope people would do realize that on this day, we must pay respect.



Last Blog, Last Quarter!

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