Monday, October 22, 2018


                And yes finally, the-as-of-now-most-tiring-and-longest-grading has ended. This grading, made me shed lots of tears, I had broken down lots of time plus I rarely slept soundly, also I spent lots of money just because of coffee, like hello? I need to wake up, I have a test tomorrow, this is due tomorrow and all the likes. For this grading, I learned lots of things aside from electromagnetism, html, and Kirchhoff's Rule, and one of them is that when you set an actual time when you want to do the things you need to do is you should be strict on following it because if not you will end up not doing those. And that you should be easy on yourself, don't push yourself too much if you can't do things anymore because it will just tire you more.
                The problems I had encountered is, first, time management. Ever since I already had this problem where in whenever I start surfing the net, I will not do other thing unless I'm already being scolded by my father. I also had problems with analyzing our lessons in almost all of my subjects.
                To overcome those problems, I had to seek help. And that help was given by my friends and that is what I'm thankful of having them. When I had difficulty in analyzing our lessons they patiently answered all of my questions. They were also there to lend me their notes. And most especially, when I really, really broke down where I can't even talk to my friend, He was there with me and with Him I had passed all those hardships.
                Moving on, I promise to be more strict when it comes to time management and that I will not push my self to my limit. I will always remind myself that I don't have to reach everyone's exception most especially when their already too much. And that as the days gone by, I would enjoy it to the fullest for I don't know what awaits me the next day. And that would be all, quarter two, see you next year!


                Our first and foremost duty is to maintain unity in our lives because with unity comes great strength and easier things could be done. This year's UN Month Celebration is themed, "Coming Together with Those Furthest Behind to Build an Inclusive World of Universal Respect for Human Rights and Dignity." This theme aims to end poverty which causes the most serious violations on human rights.
                For the past years, the United Nations have focused on how the nations could strengthen their ties but now they want to help the poverty-stricken who are suffering from human right deprivation. And as we all know, people who are said to be on the lowest class have been suffering from all those maltreatment the higher class can give. People living in the poverty would try their best to achieve or to be given the human rights they deserve which in fact is not something they should ask for because even before we are born human rights are already given to us. And with poverty, there will always be children who never had the chance to receive proper education, children who are working even before they reach 18 which is the right age to work and women who die in giving birth because of the denial of basic maternal care.

                But to stop those maltreatment will never be easy. It requires a well maintained and just economic growth, supported by not contratualized workers and decent works, declining inequality and a favourable environment. Only then, when only we start acting as one, start acting as humans who nurtures a sincere partnership with people that are furthest behind will it be possible to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity.



               Standing in front of 50 people, speaking out loud inside these four walls, and having a lot of patience; and doing it for eight hours a day wasn’t easy. But they made it look like it doesn’t matter at all. Teachers, they were the true hero.
               When I was asked if it ever crossed my mind to be a teacher, I said no. To be on that job is very hard. I have to be on my heels for eight hours a day, I have to speak in a loud voice for every students to listen even though I would end up having a hoarse voice, I have to write at the board though I get so dusty and all. That job wasn’t for me.
               Teacher’s work doesn’t stop there. They have shown a lot values of heroism, just that not everybody can see it. First either single or committed or married, after leaving their homes each of them has to take care about 50 students per room to think that most of them have six or seven loads. So 50 times 6= 300. 300 students a day. 300 students with different attitudes towards education. If a parent could say “I hope I hadn’t had 3 child” then why can’t these teachers be?
               Second, these teachers doesn’t only teach, they go beyond. These teachers becomes a nurse most of the time. Like when a students has a fever, they’ll be the first one to check them. They’ll be the one to call the official or if not they’ll be the one who takes care of them Also, these teachers are like part of DOH why? Because they were also the one tasked to check on every child’s impairment or child’s deworming.
               Lastly this teachers doesn’t only teach what’s on the books. They also teach the real values of real life. I was just amazed how the temporary world of education becomes a permanent and meaningful scar on every student’s mind. They have changed what we know about things we see and have changed how we see things we thought we knew.
               So to all the teachers out there, I SALUTE YOU ALL!

Jade Palas


                Every year, during the month of September, Science Month Celebration is held and every year different themes are generated. For this year's celebration, the theme is "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements." This event aims the youth to participate in different activities that would help protect our environment, widen our knowledge in science also in technology. And as we talk of science and technology, we can't miss to bring up Michael Faraday's electromagnetism that has contributed a lot to make things easier for us.
                As he discovered electromagnetism advancements in technology had a took a total change. With that being said, life became easier. Why? It's because it helped us get in touch with other countries much easier. And that technology advancement has contributed lots in globalization that caused our economy to skyrocket. It also helped in the field of medicine and health care. It also thought us how things around us works. Now, it is already easy almost for all of us to do things because of technology. And as the theme employs, we must encourage everyone to use our, their knowledge and release our potential to contribute more on the advancement of technology. We may not know that even the smallest thing that we do can inspire others to make actions.
                "Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We're online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us." -James Comey


Last Blog, Last Quarter!

               School year's almost done! This grading  there were lots of classes interruption but even though there's lots of it w...