Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Time to Improve the Old School Routines

Annually, we celebrate our foundation day to look back on the legacy of our school. A day to commemorate the school’s achievements of honing the leaders of tomorrow. A time to come together to show our gratitude to what we have benefited from.

Ever since I entered ISNHS, my definition of its own foundation day is a time where students from each level to formulate dance steps on the field demo. At first, it was fun, exciting, and new but I have reached my 4th experience of it, and the hype died out. It was sad because overtime, we lost to value the importance of celebrating the day because it was repeating the same old routine. The celebration wasn’t focusing on the school’s legacy, it focused on how great students dance under the burning bright sun. It took away the limelight from celebrating the school’s various accomplishments. It became meaningless because of the repetition of events.

As a student, the celebration was not enough. The school can do so much more, they are capable of creating much creative events wherein they can incorporate honoring the foundation of the school and interaction of students.

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