Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Last Blog, Last Quarter!

               School year's almost done! This grading  there were lots of classes interruption but even though there's lots of it we still managed to finish our last lessons. I must say that this is one of the most easiest grading this whole s.y except for the part that I had breakdowns because of some matters which aren't school related. For this grading, I learned lots of things like lessening the use of mobile phones and interacting more with my MaxConi and throughout the school year I learned how to deal with breakdowns and  is that even though you experience many breakdowns you should still know how to get up for you'll be the only one to help yourself. And that you should be easy on yourself, don't push yourself too much if you can't do things anymore because it will just tire you more.
                The problems I had encountered is, being a sleepyhead. Ever since 2019 has started I started being a sleepyhead that I can even sleep while walking. I also had problems going to school on time because of my sleeping habits. I also had problems dealing with analyzing some of our lessons and time management as well.
                To overcome those problems, first I had to change my sleeping pattern. And second is that i seek help from my friends to fully understand some of the concepts that I don't understand and that is what I'm thankful of having them. When I had difficulty in analyzing our lessons they patiently answered all of my questions. They were also there to lend me their notes.
                Moving on, I promise to be a better version of myself. Someone who can manage her time well and someone who can be more better in analyzing their lessons. I will always remind myself that I have lots of dreams that keep me going and that I must do study well. And that as the days gone by, I would enjoy it to the fullest for I don't know what awaits me the next day.

You're the Designer of the Life You Love

Everyone has dreams. May it to become a mathematician and formulate more equations or a football star and be known as someone with highest goal rate. People dream about their future. I myself have dreams for the future, just like everyone else. Dreams of the good life, with bunch of money, a stable job and a home. And I, will do everything may come hell or high water just to achieve it.
Education plays an important role in order for me to achieve my dreams. Of course even though i get the marks that i want i still think of what ifs. What if i messed up college? What if I'll be unemployed for years after graduating and many more. But because what ifs I found a good reason to urge myself to bring out the best in me which could be a great help to achieve my dreams. I always push myself to my limit so that I can be competent enough to survive here in this cruel world. I must study hard and long to achieve my dreams and I know also that I need to do my best to stay focus in what i want out of my life.
I do have big plans for my future. I plan to make something of myself, something that i could be proud of and to not give up. I have major fear of failure but I won't let it get to me. I think i have done a good job so far and continue to do so. My dreams are what keep me going and one day I'll be able to say that I finally achieved all of those.


Time to Improve the Old School Routines

Annually, we celebrate our foundation day to look back on the legacy of our school. A day to commemorate the school’s achievements of honing the leaders of tomorrow. A time to come together to show our gratitude to what we have benefited from.

Ever since I entered ISNHS, my definition of its own foundation day is a time where students from each level to formulate dance steps on the field demo. At first, it was fun, exciting, and new but I have reached my 4th experience of it, and the hype died out. It was sad because overtime, we lost to value the importance of celebrating the day because it was repeating the same old routine. The celebration wasn’t focusing on the school’s legacy, it focused on how great students dance under the burning bright sun. It took away the limelight from celebrating the school’s various accomplishments. It became meaningless because of the repetition of events.

As a student, the celebration was not enough. The school can do so much more, they are capable of creating much creative events wherein they can incorporate honoring the foundation of the school and interaction of students.

A Festival of Talents

Ilocos Sur is one of the many beautiful provinces in our country. It is located in the northern part of Luzon. It is known for its historic sites, beaches and the well preserved Spanish Colonial City of Vigan. There's an annual festival here called the Kannawidan festival which highlights some of the cultural traditions of the Ilocanos.
Kannawidan Festival lasts for 2 and a half weeks, from the last week of january to february's 1st and half weeks. For this year's celebration I can count the time i went to Kannawidan with just the fingers of my hand but even though I only went for a few times I must say that I was stunned of how beautiful our cultural really is. I've got to see a lot of displays on the trade fair that each of municipalities here in Ilocos Sur has prepared and with those displays I've got to know more about the different municipality our province has. This event is both knowledgeable and fun for some artists have come to entertain the Ilocanos. This proved that Kannawidan Festival is such a cool event an ilocano must attend once in his life.
Through this festival talents are shown off. The beauty of our province was also shown off but but what is more important is that this possible created a strong bond among Ilocanos.

Sure Ilocos Sur FB Page

Chnage is Constant, So was I

I have been used of having things my way, from big to none efforts, I can turn into reality everything that I wanted for myself. At some extent, people had said I was too outspoken and too ambitious for my own good, and that is kind of lethal. However, I beg to disagree.

People mature through experience, overtime, we learn things either the hardest way or the easiest way but nothing in between. We are who we are today because of the various lessons we have harvested through living in this world.

Looking back, there was a time, I have desperately waited and wanted to let my true self be known, that I also wanted to have a voice for myself to show that I am also capable of doing wonderful things. However, my mind already decided to back out before I could even start. The self-doubt that was etched in the back of mind has already taken over of my system cutting every hope and dream I had to let also my voice be heard. I knew I reached the lowest of my self-esteem the time I gave up chasing those wild dreams I wanted for myself.

People have no right to say I am too good for my own good because they didn’t know how I struggled just to appreciate I am worthy of something more. They never knew how hard it was to gain some confidence and love for myself. They will never understand how it took you so long to gain the confidence to live in this world. They will never know that yes, people choose to change because if I chose to stay in the dark, I will never achieve anything.

Being open with your insecurities paradoxically makes you more confident and charismatic around others. Suffering through your fears and anxieties is what allows you to build courage and perseverance. Everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the associated negative experience. To learn how to focus and prioritize your thoughts effectively—how to pick and choose what matters to you and what does not matter to you based on finely honed personal values.


New Year, N̶e̶w̶ ̶M̶e̶, BETTER ME!

Every time a new year comes, you can always hear or see people saying or writing, 'new year, new me.' But do they really change? In what way do they change? We can always say that we want to change a thing or two about ourselves but the problem is we also live by the saying, 'old habits die hard.' Plus we really don't know where to start.

This year, just like the past years, I don't have a new years resolutions or something like that because I know that I will not succeed on following all the things I've listed if I ever had. I know some of you will say, 'your just saying that just because you don't trust yourself enough.' But no, seriously not. I've been living this way and no way in hell that I still could change, the only thing I could do is to learn from my mistakes and be a better version of me through my experiences in life.

In addition to that the bigger the change that one is suggesting, the more it will tire their self-control. And when people exhaust their self-control, what they’re exhausting is their brain that is needed to think creatively, to focus and to persist in the face of frustration or failure. In other words, they’re exhausting precisely the brain needed to make a big change. 

If we ever want to change something about ourselves we can just start immediately and not wait for another year to come. We are the bosses of our lives, we are the leader of the change we want to happen in our lives. If we really want to change a thing or two about us, we can always just learn from our mistakes and not do those mistakes again while waiting for a new year to come.


Last Blog, Last Quarter!

               School year's almost done! This grading  there were lots of classes interruption but even though there's lots of it w...